

Here are a few phrases useful when being introduced to people.

When you are introduced to someone, it will go something like this.

When person 'B' is introduced to person 'A':

Introducer: - A-san, kochira wa B-san
                          ("A, this is B")

or:                     Kochira wa company no B-san
                          ("This is B who works for company")

or:                     Kochira wa company no position no B-san
                          ("This is B who is {the|a} position {for|at} company")


the person being introduced ('B') then says to the person he does not know ('A'):

B: - Hajimemashita.        B desu.    Doozo yoroshiku.
        ("How do you do?     I am B.    Nice to meet you.")

or:    Hajimemashita.        company no B desu.    Doozo yoroshiku.
        ("How do you do?     I am company's B.       Nice to meet you.")


Then 'A' replies to 'B':

A: - Hajimemashita.        A desu.    Doozo yoroshiku.
        ("How do you do?     I am A.    Nice to meet you.")

or:    Hajimemashita.        company no A desu.    Doozo yoroshiku.
        ("How do you do?     I am company's A.       Nice to meet you.")



You will almost always use last names (family names) in this process.

The last 'i' in 'hajimemashita' is not pronounced, so you say: hajimemash'ta

It's kind of cool that 'hajimemashita' is a form of the verb 'to begin', since it indicates the beginning of a relationship with the person you are meeting.

Practice this with someone in the group.



Some related vocabulary:

kochira wa dare desu ka - who is this?

sumimasen, o-na-ma-e wa nan desu ka - excuse me, what is your name?

go shoo kai shimasu - let me introduce you

doku ni yoku kimasu ka - do you come here often? (just joking)